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How Do I Create a Youtube Channel to Upload a Video to Youtube

Starting a YouTube channel can be the offset of a huge and awesome journey. In this commodity, nosotros're going to wait at getting started with the ultimate guide on how to prepare upward your YouTube Channel.

YouTube tin can offer a wide diverseness of things to yourself or your business. These could be allowing you to limited yourself more creatively, bringing in extra viewers to your business, or connecting with a customs that shares your involvement, and that'south just the start! With enough time and dedication, just about anyone can become a successful YouTuber.

How to start a YouTube Channel in 2021

If y'all want to read this later, please save it to Pinterest.

If you lot already have a YouTube aqueduct prepare up, click here for my pace-by-footstep guide on how to upload your showtime YouTube video.

Pop YouTube Myths that are WRONG

Before we get started though, let'southward await at three myths related to setting upward a successful YouTube channel in 2021.

Myth #i: Yous need to invest in expensive equipment in society to be successful on YouTube.

This is oft used every bit both a myth and an excuse why not to start a YouTube channel. Many successful YouTubers do not use expensive gear and equipment and many of the very top YouTubers started off using whatever they had available.

Some channels do not even use cameras at all.

It all comes down to the type of benefit, entertainment, information, pedagogy, etc., that you can offering your viewers.

If you want to film with a camera, modern smartphones provide a rather excellent video quality without having to buy any additional cameras or gear. If you are to invest in ane thing, I'd recommend a simple smartphone tripod like this ane from Manfrotto or a Gorillapod that can be mounted to just about anything.

Myth #2: Only certain niches can exist successful on YouTube.

Picking a niche is very important to grow your Channel. This gives your channel some identity and management. In turn, persuading viewers to subscribe for more awesomeness.

When picking your niche, don't pay attention to which other niches are successful, wait at what interests y'all, what yous're skillful at, and what you tin provide your viewers through that niche. If you tin provide value to your viewers, you'll gain subscribers and your aqueduct volition abound.

Primitive Technology YouTube Channel
Primitive Technology YouTube Channel

Existence successful really simply depends on what goals you're setting out for your channel.

If your primary goal is to bring people to your website or to abound a community around a specific topic, you're going to find that information technology doesn't matter which niche you're in. Of course, you can optimize things past niching up or niching downward to discover the all-time rest for your channel.

Hydraulic Press YouTube Channel
Hydraulic Press YouTube Channel

Myth #3: You need millions of subscribers to have a successful YouTube channel.

Similar to picking your niche, sub count tin be quite irrelevant to existence successful. If your main goal is only to become a 1000000 subscribers, and so that number does matter, but it's not something that really should be an objective. Information technology can be a peachy do good, don't get me incorrect, but it shouldn't be the main focus.

If your main objective, for instance, is to make coin using your YouTube channel, the YouTube advertising revenue you get once you've passed thou subscribers is really not the best mode to monetize your channel. Other ways that provide a far greater return with far fewer subs and views would be affiliate marketing, sponsorships, partnership, products, etc. Read this article for a good idea of how much money y'all can get per 1000 views.

How to ready your YouTube Channel

Once you've decided on your niche, Channel name, content ideas, etc. It is time to set up your YouTube Channel. This is quite a unproblematic and straightforward process and shouldn't take too long.

Footstep 1: Create a Google & YouTube business relationship.

Equally YouTube is owned past Google, you will need to create a google account to use as your YouTube account. Y'all can set upward a Google account by clicking here.

Now that your Google account is set up you can head over to YouTube. In the top correct-hand corner of the screen, yous'll run across your account thumbnail.

How to set up your Youtube Channel

You'll at present exist presented with a drop-down list. Select 'My Channel'.

How to set up your Youtube Channel

An pick will then pop up with how yous desire to use YouTube, this will be your channel name. If your aqueduct is just your name, go ahead and click on the 'create channel' button. If yous want a custom name, click on the 'Utilise a business or other name' button.

How to set up your Youtube Channel

In the next field, you can enter your aqueduct proper noun and then hit 'create'.

How to set up your Youtube Channel

Now pat yourself on the back, you officially have a YouTube channel!

Footstep two: Adding YouTube Channel art.

Now that yous've set up your YouTube account and accept a channel, you're going to want to add some imagery… significant channel fine art / a YouTube imprint.

This is going to be a quick footstep-by-stride process of uploading aqueduct art, for a more detailed guide on the things you need to know, read this.

First, nosotros need to open the "YouTube Studio" in the tiptop right corner (or click here).

YouTube Studio

In the menu on the left, select "customization".

Select Customization to change your YouTube Channel Art

Select the "Branding" tab at the top.

Select Branding to change your YouTube Channel Art from the Customization panel

Under the "Banner paradigm" section, select upload.

Banner Image Upload

Select your banner, and and then select done.

Select your banner and select done to apply your new YouTube channel art

Lastly, hit the Publish button in the top right corner to save your changes.

NOTE: Immediately afterwards uploading when you visit your channel, your imprint may look slightly blurry. This is normal equally it hasn't been processed completely and should be fine in a few moments. To speed things up, practise a hard refresh (Ctrl + F5 on Windows, CMD + R on Mac) and your banner should look fresh and crisp.

For more than information and tips on YouTube aqueduct art, bank check out this more than detailed guide.

Step 3: How to upload a Profile Picture to your YouTube Channel

Now that your channel art is live, we can look at how to upload a profile moving picture to your YouTube channel.

In the same channel customization and branding tab that you establish the channel banner option, you will besides run into a contour picture section.

All y'all take to exercise is click on the Upload button and select your profile picture.

how to change your YouTube Profile Picture

Your YouTube contour motion picture should:

  • Be in JPEG or PNG format (or GIF, but animations do not bear witness, I recommend PNG).
  • Have dimensions of at least 250 x 250 pixels.
  • Clearly showcase y'all, your logo, or what your aqueduct is nearly.

NOTE: It can take a few hours for your profile picture changes to become visible on your YouTube channel, so no need to redo information technology if it doesn't modify immediately.

Now that all of that is consummate, your channel is really starting to take shape!

Step iv: Filling out your YouTube Channel Description.

As things are really starting to come up to life, it is time to fill up out your YouTube About section, a.k.a. your YouTube Channel Description. Hither's how:

First, open up the Aqueduct customization plant in the menu on the left in the YouTube Studio.

Select "Basic info".

How to add a YouTube Channel Description

Here you have the option of irresolute your channel name easily if that is ever required.

More chiefly though, beneath that, you will find the channel description box.

Here you volition have grand characters to tell your viewers who you are, what y'all and your channel are about, and why they should subscribe.

You should likewise include keywords here related to the videos you are going to be making.

The first judgement is the most important, then become direct to the point here. This is because the first approx. 150 characters are read by YouTube'south bots and are considered the almost important. These outset 150 characters are also shown in search results, as yous can see beneath.

YouTube Channel Description in Search Results

Below your channel description, you can add your social media and website links.

How to add Links to your youtube channel

Y'all tin can add merely well-nigh any link hither.

These links volition exist visible on the about page and likewise visible on the right side of your aqueduct art/banner.

Links on YouTube Channel Art

Further down you can as well add an email address for business inquiries for people and businesses to reach you lot more easily.

Footstep v: How to customize your YouTube Channel Layout.

In order to make your channel stand out farther, you tin can adjust the layout.

This is some other option that you can do from the customization section in your YouTube Studio. You tin can find it under the "Layout" tab.

How to customize your YouTube Channel Layout

Under the video spotlight section, you tin can select the videos that should be shown more prominently at the top of your channel.

The section "Channel trailer for people who haven't subscribed" will be shown to non-subscribers when they visit your channel.

Hither information technology'southward best to select a video that best represents what your aqueduct is about, or create a highlight reel.

Select "Add" and so select the most advisable video.

If you have a lot of videos on your channel, y'all tin can utilise the search bar to find the video more than easily.

Selecting a YouTube Channel Trailer

The section "Featured video for returning subscribers" volition exist shown in the identify of this video for people that are already subscribed to your aqueduct.

Hither you tin select one of your own videos, or whatever other video on YouTube.

Virtually of the time, it's better to select your own video here, either something you lot're looking to promote more or select your latest video.

The featured section below that is where you can personalize your channel further.

These sections can be filled with your recent uploads, pop videos, playlists, etc.

To add i of these sections, click on the 'Add section' button and select what type of section yous want to add.

How to add a section to your YouTube Channel

An interesting option at the bottom of the list is the ability to add "Featured channels". This could be used to highlight whatever additional channels you take, channels you similar, or channels y'all are collaborating with.

These will then appear with a subscribe button on your YouTube channel habitation folio.

Recommended Channels on YouTube

To add a section like this, click on "Add together department" and select the "Featured channels" pick from the dropdown menu.

Next, give the section a proper noun, i.e. Featured Channels, My other channels, Friends of the channel, etc.

You can then search for the channels you lot want to add.

How to add featured channels to your home page

Mark the box next to the name volition add them to the list and you can rearrange the listing by drag-and-drop.

Save your changes by clicking "Done" when you're finished.

Customizing your channel volition exist a petty bit easier one time yous've got a few videos on your aqueduct, but you tin can get ahead past creating a few sections to fill up your home screen a piffling bit and then new viewers can see what your channel is about.

P.s. You lot tin can also make a playlist with other user's videos that will bear witness on your channel, this can be useful if you have multiple channels, or exercise not quite have enough videos on your channel yet.

Step half-dozen: How to add YouTube Channel Keywords

First, what are YouTube channel keywords?

These are the main phrases and topics that your channel is related to. Adding channel keywords helps provide YouTube with context on what your channel is about and helps information technology get shown to people that will be interested in your content.

This is why it'due south important to use keywords that accurately draw what your aqueduct is about and the videos you make.

How do you add keywords to your YouTube Channel? Hither'due south how.

From the YouTube Studio, click on "Settings" in the bottom left corner.

How to add YouTube Channel Keywords

Next, select "Channel" from the carte on the left.

Under the tab "Basic info" you'll meet a box marked as "Keywords".

This is where you tin now enter your YouTube channel keywords.

Add Keywords to your YouTube Channel

You lot should include between 7-x relevant channel keywords.

These can be individual words, or brusk phrases/sentences, but effort to proceed them between 2-four words in length.

The main goal of these keywords should exist to depict what your aqueduct is about.

And then, if you brand videos on mural photography, then "Landscape Photography" would be a very relevant keyword that accurately describes what your channel is about.

If you lot're not sure what sort of keywords you should apply for your channel, or you're just looking for some inspiration, and so y'all can also accept a peek at what similar channels accept as their channel keywords.

All you need for this is to install the free TubeBuddy browser extension hither.

In one case installed, when you visit a YouTube channel, you can see the exact keywords they have included on their channel similar this:

How to see YouTube Channel Keywords on other channels

Once you've added relevant keywords, make sure to striking the relieve push.

YouTube now knows a little bit more nigh who would exist interested in watching your videos, making it more probable to exist recommended and suggested to people that are interested in those topics.

Step 7: Verifying your YouTube Aqueduct.

Verifying your account allows you to upload longer videos, use custom thumbnails, live streams, and more useful features. So, how do you lot verify your YouTube Channel?

It's quite a quick process, but you lot will demand a mobile telephone to accept a message or automated phone phone call.

This is what you need to do.

Outset, you'll need to open the YouTube studio and caput to the "Settings" in the bottom left corner.

How to add YouTube Channel Keywords

In the settings, Select "Channel" from the menu on the left, then the "Feature eligibility" tab at the top.

At present click on the "Verify phone number" push button.

How to verify your YouTube channel

Then you'll be taken to the following screen where y'all can enter your mobile number and either receive a text message or an automated phonation message with a code to verify your identity.

Verify your YouTube channel by phone

The procedure is rather simple and quick.

Follow the on-screen instructions and you should receive a verification code to enter.

Ostend information technology and voilĂ .

You're now verified and you accept a pretty swell-looking channel.

The next step is uploading your starting time YouTube video. You can read my step-by-footstep guide to uploading your first YouTube video here.

A great tool to assistance y'all forth your YouTuber journey is TubeBuddy, a free browser extension that is one of the best YouTube keyword tools (here are a few more neat tools for YouTube) among other things.

TubeBuddy Free Extension

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  • How to get views on YouTube with Naught subscribers.
  • The best FREE tools every YouTuber needs.
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  • How to get monetized on YouTube FAST.


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